A growing network of people who believe in crazy things like that we should all just work together to solve problems, grab opportunities!
Dot Connecting people wanting to make the world a better place!
Because it’s the synergies between the improvement magic makers that’s going to change the world!
This is about being in amongst like minds of collaboration.
The Vision 
When you read about the success of ventures it’s always about the chemistry and interactions of the people.
It’s about what they co-create with each other.
It is the talents of individual players intersecting and interacting that distinguishes a good team from a collection of good players.
Each person needs to bring their improvement ‘artistry’, and at the same time their willingness to part of a bigger whole.
Even Google in their research found the best teams are where every one has a voice, and everyone feels they can contribute.
It’s an art, a creative practice to bring this together….. to curate, convene, connect, produce, facilitate….
The people in the world wanting something different, to be part of something better.
Bringing their ideas, challenges, opportunities, goals, visions, problems, dreams, ideas.
A network of who’s, why’s, how’s…
This is an introduction to the thinking, where it’s coming from, how we do it!
Our leaders are not prepared for the tsunami of principled people and visionaries coming their way.
Connections/a Networked Approach!!
There are so many amazing people trying to make it better in so many ways.
Work doesn’t make sense. They need to connect, to know about each other.
To not feel alone, To be energised by others | their energy, stories, tools, approaches, stories, support
To make a collective impact!
Improvement of any kind, any demographic, approach, industry, location, person.
In the world of our mahi. Mahi is Maori for work, action, activity, job, labour, operation, task, vocation, make, perform.
Trish, “You’re working – determined to make the world a better place, but for everyone… not just a few!”
This work does seem to need a catalyst, hub, central point. Not to control, but to weave the parts together!
And it’s fun, it’s adventure….
Who’s out there, what are they doing, why? Who’s doing it better?
Who wants to do it better together? How do we make that happen?
Doing this is like asking why do music, arts, sports, have relationships…. It’s as broad as that!
Because the world is a better place for doing so!