We are in the Networking/Connection Business, and the Business the Networking/Connection. And it is NOT a straight line!
A lot of inspiration is has been taken from the principle of personalisation and a relational economy.
It has been quite the journey to try and determine how to fund and fuel the connections.
They are not linear but the inputs for their success are huge, the value is proven!
The thought has always been what’s a model that we can create, what can we utilise which is dynamic like the network, is future looking, but also makes sense.
We asked people how they would fund, fuel such a network, and got a variety of answers…..
We have also tried many different iterations, and approaches.
- The hardest thing about creating such a network of connections is a value structure that works alongside the magic.
- We are working in a transactional world that doesn’t always understand a more relational way of working.
- A model that is totally free for its users is not sustainable for the one who provides the service!
Our mechanism is layered, there is no one size fits all, but we aim for a culture of mutuality and collaboration.
Ask what your contribution to the network will be. What will be the network’s contribution to you.
CONTRIBUTION. No passengers.
You need to contribute to the mix.
You need to in some way fund or fuel the network’s STEIM inputs (skills, time, energy, ideas, money).
You need to contribute to others, and to the network itself.
Think like a 21st Century version of the old Telephone Exchange. How are you tapped in?
Continuing the music analogy and approach, this is how we work!
NOTE: These dynamics can also all work in reverse. I.e. if you’re contributing in a way that leads to network succeed, we support you back!
We are keeping a network ledger of all the interactions, people, exchanges, and contributions.
The above definitely relates back to the levels of the network.
- Co-creators. The Relational Economy.
- Participants/contributors. A mixture.
- Marketplace/Service. The Traditional Economy.
The Treasure-trove of humanity and potential out there is amazing!
How would you fund the following?
- A contact from Linked In, comes to NZ, is met/engaged with, connected with an organisation looking to fill a role and is successful. Who would you charge, how?
- Connecting blood services between UK and Australia on a zoom call. People who wouldn’t have met otherwise?
- A network, linked in contact asking for a referral for a lean coach, specific industry type and size.
- Someone wanting to find a lean six sigma mentor.
- A regional business organisation wanting to help and inspire local companies looking for consultant help.
- A CI practitioner developing software wanting access to the network to test, trial and ask people what they think.
- Connections and bringing people together around certain topics.
- Finding and meeting individuals that you know would benefit hugely from knowing each other.
Because these connections are not just “oh you should meet such and such”, they are discerning connections, orchestrated and choreographed and well thought out. There is nothing out there currently. So in true collaborative style, the only thing to do is to co-create what we need. Our mechanism for mutual success.
We also discovered this thinking which we found inspirational: link.springer.com/Exchange Networks and are working along these lines with the network combinations we create. THE AGREEMENT: ‘Contract’ to be created for all engagements.
© Trish Wilson All Rights Reserved. 2024.