Global Improvement Connections


It’s easy to get a sense of what this is about but the Is-ness is harder… What is this actually about. How does this work, how can you get involved…. ?

Possibly only about 2% of the world are natural connectors…. curious and good at it!

Then probably 10-25% are the co-creators, who want to be in on making it happen.

The majority of people would like a framework to follow…

We mostly work with the 25%! 🙂

The Principles

  • We are all smart
  • Personal and Personalised
  • The local and the Big Picture!

Collaboration, co-creative, combos – that’s the key!

The Challenge, the vision, the opportunity

We asked ourselves 3 things….

  • Could you build a collaborative network of like-minded global improvement people?
  • What would that look like, how would it work?
  • Impact, what impact would it have?

There are just so much links, that are missing, that could enable us to go ‘faster’, ‘better’… to be more amazing as humans.
But how do you find those connections?

Yes, this is a natural things, people do it already. “Oh you should meet such and such”….

But they don’t do it from a background/foundation of music, from deep research and investigation, and discernment.

Putting that all together to make great Improvement ‘Music’!


It’s about improvement ‘artists/players’ jamming….


(1) A friend is working on researching venues to strengthen the artistic scene in NZ! Does she know about a visiting scholar and founder of Centre for Music Ecosystems? The information was sourced by being curious, finding it, then connecting dots and sending her the information. Also sent to 3 contacts in Oz.

(2) A contact has finished his PhD in Biz Excellence, and wants to find his purpose and a role that matches his passion and experiences. Reached out to two people who we think would find him of value.

(3) 6 six change makers across the globe, in 5 different locations need to know about each other. To strengthen their work, know they are not alone, get inspiration.
We introduce them to each other, connect the dots.

Though you can imagine in today’s still very metric, numbers based world that this type of relational approach is hard to quantify.

But it matters. The value of the connections, the collaborations are HUGE!

We go about our work in 3’s, connecting triangles… in practice it’s about the following:


We work across improvement of any kind, any demographic, method, globally. This is our profession, our craft, our vocation. Connecting the ‘Improvement’ Artists.

We operate in a way that starts from the point that everyone has expertise/clever and how do you combine that.
It is very much about the ‘right’ connections…. finding the right people, at the right time, for the right reason! And in the right way 🙂

Improvement artists are like musicians – they play themselves, develop themselves, create a song, an album, a concert, a festival, a movement and that then inspires humanity around them, in a number of ways, audience, participants, other artists.

Those synapses feed out creating a global ripple effect of awesome! A catalogue of amazing! “Human Connections of Epic Proportions, Global Ripples” ….

The network is for ANY kind of improvement person, demographic, method, and is global.

The people in the mix are truly global, from USA to UK, to NZ, to Bangladesh, to Canada, Brazil….. and beyond.

The people we work the most closely with have 3 characteristics. Active practitioners, out there doing the mahi, the doing, making their own impacts. They are curious, want to explore, learn, and They want to collaborate in some way.


IN 3!

There are 3 personas….

You | There are the 3 Network Engagement Levels… Our Split

We have figured out, that there are 3 levels of network engagement. What really matters is your intention, your collaboration, communication. That speaks volumes!

  • Co-creators | Curious, collaborative, energised, open minded, happy with the undefined, organic, learning, co-creating. Relational, not transactional.
  • Participants | Some of the above elements, but you come to the network with a need in mind. You prefer to be involved in the single meet ups and activity.
  • Service (to give or get) | Looking for the network to provide a service. You have a need, or request. You would like access to the network resource.

There are 3 responses to connections/meet ups

  • That was nice in the moment, nice to meet, but doesn’t go further.
  • That was great to meet up, let’s connect further, on linked in, swap stories, resources.
  • Oh my goodness meeting this person has changed my life!

We ….

  • Are active practitioners ourselves.
  • We network and connect people
  • We commentate and lead!


  • We don’t really work with externals, you need to be a practitioner, a professional in your own right, with your own current stories!
  • If someone set a meeting for 30 minutes with a new contact, they are usually seeing whether you’re of benefit to them, rather than looking to collaborate.
  • If someone’s 2nd or 3rd question in the mix is about money!!! They tend not to be a co-creator. Again, they’re looking for value for themselves, not mutuality.

Collaboration and Connection

And as my great friend Josie Gibson says…. There are also no Passengers! This isn’t a journey for the faint-hearted, you must be all in amongst it! 🙂


Network Rules! 

We have principles and ‘rules’ that we run the network by. Click HERE for more.


 The Future! 

Currently we are a personal, personalised ‘analogue’ network, production ‘company’.

In the future we want to create a strong digital version for more mass, general use while keeping the cream of the personal. Watch this space!

© Trish Wilson All Rights Reserved. 2024.